Dancer and dance teacher Alyssa Lisle, tells us about her weight issues, perfectionism and what the Anorexia Voice was telling her. Dance beginnings I started dance classes at the age... read more →
Caitlin Clarke, talks about her negative ballet training mindset and explains her difficulties in finding work in ballet companies. Ballet training mindset Since starting full time dance at age 14,... read more →
A reader's response of the post on bully teaches and coaches in ballet. I received an email from someone who read my post on bully teachers and coaches in ballet. ... read more →
Today's post starts a series of Q&As from dancers regarding Mental Health issues for Ballet Dancers. Mental Health Awareness Week UK It is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK... read more →
Thank you to Sophie Coster for candidly telling her story of how anorexia halted her dancing career and for sending me photos of her to post with her article. She... read more →