Dance is enormously challenging and competitive. For example, out of the over 800 dancers who auditioned for Rambert2 in 2018 (the junior company of Rambert, a world-renowned dance company), only 13 were selected. To add to this pressure, numerous existing issues in the industry were exacerbated by COVID-19.
Consequently, initiatives that ensure dancers’ mental health and wellbeing are becoming increasingly essential. During lockdown, Terry Hyde MA MBACP, STEPPS’ CEO and psychotherapist, offered over 1000 free and discounted sessions to dance professionals and students. Following the pandemic, he decided to extend this work and offer training to others through the founding of STEPPS.
Prior to becoming a charity STEPPS has already made considerable progress in delivering its aims and objectives. The Board is stacked with professionals across a range of industries and is supported by part-time staff and volunteers. STEPPS will fundraise to establish programmes that will ensure dancers and professionals can take care of their mental health, alongside promoting sector-wide change.